Bishop's Waltham Society and Bishop's Waltham Museum Trust are working together to relaunch the House History Project.
The project was initially launched in 2014 and aims to create a living history of Bishop's Waltham, from its earliest beginnings to the present day.
We are looking for volunteers to work with the committee and uncover the history of some of our town's amazing properties.
Welcome to the House History Project (HHP)

People living or working in listed properties, who wish to research the history of the property itself or the people who have lived in it.
People interested in researching houses in general.
People interested in researching individuals who have had involvement in the history of Bishops Waltham.
People who have a general interest in Bishops Waltham and would be willing to undertake research at the request of the project committee.
Volunteer opportunities include:
HHP will provide full support for volunteers and use its network of contacts (e.g., Hampshire Records Office, BWMT) to give volunteers all the information that they need to complete their research.
The research undertaken will be predominantly home-based and will not be time- or age-limited. It is also hoped that as HHP develops, talks and visits by partner agencies may be arranged. This will provide an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and information and will enable HHP to build relationships with other partner agencies. Additionally, these visits and talks can help raise awareness of HHP's work and mission.
Anyone interested in taking part in HHP should contact BWS via info@bishopswalthamsociety.org.uk You will need to provide a brief outline of your area of interest. Afterwards, a support package will be emailed to you, providing more information on how to progress with your research.
A small committee composed of BWS and BWMT trustees will be tasked with reviewing the information gathered and making recommendations for the future of the project. It will also be responsible for guiding the strategic direction of the project.